2025 Mother Daughter Fashion Show
Your presence is requested at an event fit for a monarch!
The GMAHS Mothers' Club presents its Annual Fashion Show:
Your Monarch Majesty.
All mothers and daughters are invited to enjoy an afternoon together, where royalty meets the runway.
Date: Sunday, January 26, 2025
Place: Presidential Caterers, 2910 DeKalb Pike, E. Norriton
Cost: $65 per person, $650 for a table of 10, a cash bar
Register by: January 19, 2025
11:30 AM Doors Open, Browse Tombola Raffles and Pop up Shops
12:30 PM Luncheon begins
1:30 PM Fashion Show featuring members of the Class of 2025, Tombola Drawings
Grandmothers & other special guests are welcome, too.
Seating & Registration Information:
Please note that daughters will be seated with their mothers at the same table.
Note: The purchase of a full table of 10 in a single transaction offers guaranteed table seating at this year's event. Submitters should be ready to enter the name and entree selection for each individual you are registering.
Individual registrations are also welcomed. To assist the committee in identifying tables and fulfilling individual seating requests, we encourage you to name a designated table captain for your table (i.e. "the Colleen Valenzuela table").
Entree Options:
Pan Seared Atlantic Salmon (gluten free)
Chicken Piccata (gluten free upon request)
Pasta Primavera in Garlic Aioli (vegetarian)
Tombola basket donations will be gratefully accepted and acknowledged. Please contact Lisa Scaduto P'27 at lisascaduto@yahoo.com or Bridget Leary P'26 at bridgetleary528@gmail.com.
Thank you to the Committee:
Event Chair: Colleen Valenzuela P'23, '27
Tickets & Seating Chairs: Jill Weller-Reilly P'25, Jane Lepore P'25, Janine Braccia P'26, '27
Decorations Committee Co-Chairs: Meg Tronoski P'21, '25, '27
Communications Chairs: Jennifer Lepore Curran '96 P '27, Meg Yezzi P'23, '28
Pop-up Vendors Chairs: Sarah Snyder P'25, Gracie Klein P'25
Raffle Chairs: Lisa Scaduto P'27, Bridget Leary P'26
Models & Runway Chair: Meg Baker P'24, '25
Boutiques Chairs: Colleen Valenzuela P'23, '27, Lisa Scaduto P'27
Thank you to Sydney Hrlic '25 and Olwen Broomhead '25 for designing the beautiful artwork for this year's invitation.
For more information, please contact Karen Cavacos, director of family engagement, at kcavacos@gmahs.org or 267-946-0953.